The first version of AGIUS os has not yet been uploaded.
This new operating system is still under development and has not been fully tested.

Please keep on visiting this website to see when and if the first version has been uploaded.
The first version will only be a 32-bit or 64-bit version and not both.

AGIUS operating system
A Graphical Internet UNIX System.
A Graphical Internet UNIX System.   AGIUS os
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Operating system information and requirements:
Operating system name:A Graphical Internet UNIX System
Operating system abbreviation:AGIUS os     Also abbreviated as; A. O. S.
Operating system type:A Linux Mint distro.
Latest operating system version:0.00.0001
Latest OS version date:27/12/2018, 12:00am gmt
OS image file name:AGIUS-os_0-00-0001_2018-12-27_64bit.iso
OS image file size:871,204 KBytes
Processor type required:64-bit version only
Hard drive minimum size:
If you wish to install more applications
or save lots of files to your hard drive,
then you will need a bigger hard drive.
5.5 GBytes
User name, when not installed:agius_os
Password, when not installed:password (Must be entered in lower case)
Installed software with this operating system:
Note:   The following list of software is for version 0.00.0001.
Other versions of AGIUS os may/will come with different software.
Web browser:Firefox, 64.0 (64-bit)
Chromium, 71.0.3578.98
Email software:Thunderbird Mail, 60.2.1 (64-bit)
Text editor:Gedit, 3.28.1
Word processor:LibreOffice Writer,
Spreadsheet software:LibreOffice Calc,
Image editing software:GIMP, 2.8.22
FTP software:FileZilla,
Other software:This list only displays some of the software.
You can also add software from the software centre,
or download it from the Internet.
The software will prompt you to upgrade to the latest
version, if a later version has been released.
The AGIUS operating system.

Comming soon. I hope.

The first version is still under development. :o(

This website is under construction.

You can run a 32-bit operating system on a 32-bit or 64-bit computer.
If you run a 32-bit operating system on a 64-bit computer, it will work but not take advantage of the 64-bit memory address range.
You can only run a 64-bit operating system on a 64-bit computer.
To check if you are using a 32-bit or 64-bit operating system and processor:

Windows 95 to Windows 12.
  • Click on start on the left of the icon bar and type CMD.exe in to the search box.
  • Click on CMD.exe in the list to open the window.
    In the CMD.exe window:
  • Type; systeminfo
    If the line 'Processor(s)' says x86 or Intel86 then the operating system processor is 32-bit.
    If the line 'Processor(s)' says x64 or Intel64 then the operating system processor is 64-bit.
    If the line 'System Type' says x86-based PC then the hardware processor size is 32-bit.
    If the line 'System Type' says x64-based PC then the hardware processor size is 64-bit.
  • Type; set
    If the line 'PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER' says x86 or Intel86 then the os processor is 32-bit.
    If the line 'PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER' says x64 or Intel64 then the os processor is 64-bit.

    Hide this info.

  • The AGIUS O.S. software team.
    This operating system was created by just one person in his spare time and not by some big company.
    So please don't expect lots of new versions and bug fixes every few weeks.